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Italian real estate market in 2015

The Italian real estate market is in a similar situation as it is in France. In general, the volume of transactions is declining. However, the tendencies in individual sectors of the real estate market differ significantly.

According to the Italian Financial Administration, the real estate market fell by 3.6% year on year. However, significant differences can be observed. Transactions in industrial real estate increased by 10.8%, but the volume of transactions in commercial real estate in services decreased by 6.9%. In terms of the volume of transactions, residential real estate recorded a slight year-on-year decline of 1%.

Significant differences are also visible at the territorial level. We continue to record a decline in the southern part of Italy. There is a year-on-year decline in the residential real estate market by 4.3%. On the contrary, the northern part shows relatively constant values. ​​During the observed period, there was only a slight decrease of 0.3%. It can be said that the real estate market in northern Italy stagnates.

The market revived in central Italy, where it grew by 1.7%. However, the trend of strengthening the real estate market in the largest Italian cities persists. The market was the most dynamic in Florence, growing by more than 12%. Nevertheless, the situation on the Italian real estate market is still below the pre-financial crisis in 2008. That year, the volume of real estate investment in Italy represented 6.6% of all European real estate investments. In the first three quarters of 2015, the share decreased to the current 2.1%.

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